9th April – Day 1 – RCC CULTURE
The 3:45am alarm was not appreciated by some of the tour party. In particular the Sweetie Corner crew, who happened to stumble into the Grapes hotel prior to packing. Remarkably, all 13 players made it to the airport on time and in good spirits.
Even if Baby Dave questioned what was going to be in the blog when we have a boring day! Once the overly keen security had finished frisking (VC) Flattley we were on our way to Malta!
In-flight highlights were a couple of great Baby D-isms:
‘That’s a big lake’, as he looked out of the window while Easyjet flight 1977 cruised over the Mediterranean Sea. . . .
‘Can I use the toilet?’ he asks the air hostess while the plane was on the ground. She replies, ‘No sorry, when you flush the toilet it empties on the runway, you will have to wait until we set off’ – Dave agrees and sits back down. . .
Once we had had a leisurely, sun-drenched lunch and checked into the hotel, the team set off for a cultural afternoon wandering the streets of Valetta led by our tour guide C Booker.
Rolphy and Badders insisted on a spot of swimming, cue a James Bond-esque exit from the sea a la Daniel Craig (but not quite as stacked).
Just off out to watch United batter Bayern in the Champions League.