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You have probably heard that the fantastic news that cricket clubs can reopen from Saturday July 4th. Inline with this announcement we have decided to extend all existing 2019 memberships to the end of July 2020 and this remain under review.
However, in order to reopen, we have had to construct and will be implementing a set of “Interim Rules and Guidelines” listed below, which we expect our Members, staff and volunteers to abide by whilst social distancing restrictions are in place. So in light of this, our Executive Committee have decided to reopen on Saturday July 11th. We would urge you all to please read through the IRAG’s below very carefully before deciding if you wish to visit Romiley CC or not whilst these restrictions are in place.
We also appreciate that there may be things that we’ve missed in the IRAGs, so if you feel that’s the case, then let us know what you think and we will add it to the current list.
If you show any symptoms of Covid 19, you should NOT attend the Club for any reason.
The club’s staff and volunteers will have their hands full getting used to their new way of working and will therefore have very limited time to police the social distancing measures. So we would urge all those attending the club to be respectful of those around them at this time as people’s attitudes towards this situation can differ greatly.
If you wish to attend the Club we ask you to self-screen to ensure if you are showing symptoms you do not enter the club. The Bar and pavilion will have various new measures including a one way system and a 1 in 1 out system for the toilets, please ensure you are following signage/instructions at all times.
The Club will space all tables in line with the current Covid19 restrictions, and these can only be moved by staff and designated volunteers. This also applies for seating areas arranged outside the pavilion and on the balcony.
The club will be operating a strict “1 Person Queue” rule at the bar during the restrictions and NO other standing at the bar will be allowed.
We would also ask that Members return dirty glasses to the relevant collection station as soon as is practically possible for staff to then collect and take away for washing. This collection area will be signposted.
We would strongly prefer you to pay by contactless debit or credit card only at this time or with your pre topped-up Membership Club card. If you do pay by cash, then your change will automatically be put on to your membership card so that cash is not going repeatedly back and forth thus minimising the chances of the virus being spread further.
Windows and balcony doors will be open where possible to allow greater ventilation.
There will be plenty of hand sanitising stations dotted around the club with soap also available in toilets.
All staff and volunteers will be provided with, and wear, appropriate PPE at all times.
If you are bringing children to the Club, they must remain seated at your table at all times.
Children must be accompanied at all times by an adult.
We would like to reassure you that these measures have been implemented to protect everybody visiting the Club, staff included, and are only in force whilst Social Distancing restrictions are in force. When these are finally removed by the Government, then these IRAG’s will be removed and we will revert back to as normal as we are permitted.
We would also like to thank you in advance for your continued support during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Supporting your cricket club has never been more important in these challenging economic times.
Romiley Cricket Club Executive Committee
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